Why I’ve created these masterclasses.
I had developed over my career so many great techniques for face massage that address specific issues or concerns. I wanted to share them with you to encourage you to try this most natural way of taking care of your face.
The idea was to offer you the simply but effective face massage practice that you can do at your home alone or together with your friends. Very often we simply don’t have time to go for facial, we can also have financial restriction to book regular treatments. This doesn’t mean however that we cannot take care of our face.
Masterclasses are interactive and we do all the techniques together, giving you the chance to really learn each of them, to feel and see the benefit. They include breathing exercises, short meditations, face massage techniques, face exercises and some advices and home remedies to address your possible concerns related to different part of the face. They also show you the way how to let go of any self-criticism and focusing instead on giving yourself all the love and care that you need and so much deserve.
Love, Beata