Legal - Treatments
Site policies
Scope of the Terms & Conditions
This Terms & Conditions applies to the work of Beata Aleksandrowicz and Aleksandrowicz System (hereafter referred to as Beata Aleksandrowicz).
“BATC” means Beata Aleksandrowicz Terms & Conditions
“Beata” means Beata Aleksandrowicz
“You” means client
This policy should be read in tandem with the Beata Aleksandrowicz’s Data Protection & Privacy Policy (below).
Confirmed Bookings
After contacting Beata via email and agreeing on your slot and after receiving your payment as a security of your booking you will receive an automated confirmation email with the details of your appointment.
By booking your session you agree with 4 days cancelation policy that says that you will be charged a full amount if you cancel within those four days.
It is at Beata’s discretion to create a different payment conditions with you.
It is your responsibility to inform Beata of any contraindications to your treatment such as
recent injuries/accidents/operations
acute acne/eczema/rosacea
skin allergies
skin inflammations
high temperature
recent surgical and non surgical procedures
pregnancy less than 3 months
mental and emotional illnesses
any form of cancer
any form of life frightening disease/illness/disorder
Beata will not take any responsibility for any harm that can result from the failing to follow the contraindications stated in BATC or for giving her misleading information.
IF you are in doubts it is your responsibility to check with your physician if receiving any treatment from Beata including Theta Healing and Tarot Reading is in the highest interest for you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Any of Beata’s treatments are not designed to replace proper medical or psychological care that you may need. Beata’s practice and treatments are design to support your wellbeing without any intention of excluding any different form of treatments that you may want or require.
Beata’s advices on your wellness are only suggestions and she is not liable for any responsibility how you will choose to use her suggestions. She will not take any responsibility for any harm that can result from the failing to follow the contraindications stated in BATC
Should you wish to make a complaint, please send this via email for the attention of the Beata Aleksandrowicz at Beata will investigate the complaint immediately and you will be given a full and prompt reply.
The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the Beata Aleksandrowicz website and all her treatments techniques shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Beata Aleksandrowicz. All rights reserved.
Beata may assign her rights and obligations under these terms and upon such assignment she shall be relieved of any further obligation under these terms. You are not permitted to assign your rights and obligations under these terms.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and any dispute shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Scope of the policy
This policy applies to the work of Beata Aleksandrowicz and Aleksandrowicz System (hereafter referred to as Beata Aleksandrowicz). The policy sets out the requirements that Beata Aleksandrowicz has in order to gather personal information for professional purposes. The policy details how the personal information of Beata Aleksandrowicz’s clients will be gathered, stored and managed in line with data protection principles and the General Data Protection Regulation.
The policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that the Beata Aleksandrowicz is compliant. This policy should be read in tandem with the Beata Aleksandrowicz’s Privacy Policy (below).
Why this policy exists
This data protection policy ensures that Beata Aleksandrowicz:
• complies with data protection law and follows good practice
• protects the rights of clients
• is open about how she stores and processes patients’ data
• protects herself from the risks of a data breach.
Data protection principles
The General Data Protection Regulation identifies 8 data protection principles.
Principle 1 – Personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
Principle 2 – Personal data can only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
Principle 3 – The collection of personal data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is
necessary compared to the purpose(s) data is collected for.
Principle 4 – Personal data held should be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate are erased or
rectified without delay.
Principle 5 – Personal data which is kept in a form which permits identification of individuals shall
not be kept for longer than is necessary.
Principle 6 – Personal data must be processed in accordance with the individuals’ rights.
Principle 7 – Personal data must be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of
the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against
accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.
Principle 8 – Personal data cannot be transferred to a country or territory outside the European
Union unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and
freedoms of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data. Certain of these principles are expanded upon in the sections that follow.
Lawful, fair and transparent data processing
Beata Aleksandrowicz requests/ gathers personal information from clients and potential clients for the purpose of consulting with them and providing them with advice and guidance on treatments.
The forms used to gather personal information will contain a privacy statement informing clients
why the information is being requested and what the information will be used for. Clients will be
asked to provide acceptance that their data needs to be gathered and held in order for treatment to
be provided. A record of this acceptance along with client information will be securely held.
Processed for Specified, Explicit and Legitimate Purposes
Clients will be informed how their information will be used and Beata Aleksandrowicz will seek to ensure that clients’ information is not used inappropriately. Appropriate use of information provided by clients includes:
• Communicating with clients in order to make, change or cancel consultations
• Assessing the conditions and issues reported by clients and devising and prescribing relevant therapies.
Beata Aleksandrowicz will ensure that clients’ information is managed in such a way as to not infringe an individual client’s rights which include:
• The right to be informed
• The right of access
• The right to rectification
• The right to erasure
• The right to restrict processing
• The right to data portability
• The right to object.
Adequate, Relevant and Limited Data Processing
Beata Aleksandrowicz takes the privacy rights of her clients very seriously. This privacy policy sets out how Beata Aleksandrowicz deals with ‘personal information’, that is, information that could identify, or is related to the identity of, an individual. Beata Aleksandrowicz’s clients will only be asked to provide information that is relevant to support consultations and treatments. This includes:
• Name
• Date of birth
• Gender
• Postal address
• Email address
• Telephone number
• Medical history
• Emotional history
• Family medical history
To this, over time, Beata Aleksandrowicz will add details of the conditions for which you have consulted her and the therapies that Beata Aleksandrowicz has prescribed or given.
How does Beata Aleksandrowicz collect this personal information?
All the information collected is obtained directly from you. This is usually at the point of your initial
consultation. The information is collected via a client’s questionnaire form, and a consent & registration form, which Beata Aleksandrowicz asks you to complete prior to or at the initial consultation. At the point at which you provide your personal information, Beata Aleksandrowicz will also request that you provide acceptance for her to store and use your data, as this data is necessary for Beata Aleksandrowicz to provide treatment, and is part of the contract between you and her. Subsequently, Beata Aleksandrowicz will add to this initial information with details of the
consultations you hold with her.
How does Beata Aleksandrowicz use this personal information?
Beata Aleksandrowicz uses your personal information to analyse the conditions for which you have consulted her and to prescribe or give treatments.
Beata Aleksandrowicz will communicate with you by email, other digital methods, by telephone and by post.
With whom does Beata Aleksandrowicz share your personal information?
Beata Aleksandrowicz does not share your personal information. If there is a need to share it, Beata Aleksandrowicz will get your consent first.
How long does Beata Aleksandrowicz keep your personal information?
Beata Aleksandrowicz needs to keep your information for as long as you continue to consult her. Since clients often return for more treatments after a period of absence, Beata Aleksandrowicz will keep your information for seven years after your last treatment. At that point, your file will be securely destroyed and any digital information will be erased from her computer systems.
How your information can be updated or corrected
To ensure that Beata Aleksandrowicz has accurate and up-to-date information, you need to inform Beata Aleksandrowicz of any changes you believe she should make to the personal information she holds. You can do this by contacting Beata Aleksandrowicz by any of the methods previously described. Under data protection legislation, you have the right to inspect the personal information Beata Aleksandrowicz holds about you. You can make a request to do so by contacting her and she will endeavour to respond within 14 working days.
How does Beata Aleksandrowicz store your personal information?
Beata Aleksandrowicz’s patient files are paper-based and are held securely within her consulting room. Beata Aleksandrowicz takes steps to protect your personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
Your intake forms (consent & registration form & patient questionnaire form) are also held on Beata Aleksandrowicz’s laptop, which is password protected and encrypted.
Your email address, and any information exchanged via email of a personal nature (such as emails from you outlining symptoms) is held securely on the servers of Beata’s email provider.
There may be occasional instances where a client’s information needs to be shared with a third
party due to an accident or incident involving statutory authorities. Where it is in the best interests
of the client or of Beata Aleksandrowicz, in these instances where Beata Aleksandrowicz has a substantiated concern, then consent does not have to be sought from the patient.
Accuracy of Data and Keeping Data up to Date
Beata Aleksandrowicz has a responsibility to ensure that clients’ information is kept up to date. Clients will be required to let Beata Aleksandrowicz know if any of their personal information changes.
Beata Aleksandrowicz Data Protection & Privacy Policy
Accountability and Governance
Beata Aleksandrowicz is responsible for ensuring that her practice remains compliant with data protection requirements and can provide evidence that it has. For this purpose, those from whom data is required will be asked to provide written acceptance. The evidence of this acceptance will then be securely held as evidence of compliance.
Secure Processing
Beata Aleksandrowicz has a responsibility to ensure that data is both securely held and processed. This includes:
• using strong passwords for information held within computer systems
• restricting access to computer and paper-based files
• using password protection on laptops and PCs that contain or access personal information
• using password protection or secure cloud systems
• providing adequate virus-protection and firewall software to secure computer-based
Subject Access Request
Beata Aleksandrowicz’s patients are entitled to request access to the information that is held by the Beata Aleksandrowicz. The request needs to be received in the form of a written request to Beata Aleksandrowicz.
On receipt of the request, the request will be formally acknowledged and dealt with within 14 days
unless there are exceptional circumstances as to why the request cannot be granted. Beata Aleksandrowicz will provide a written response detailing all information held on the member. A record shall be kept of the date of the request and the date of the response.
Data Breach Notification
Were a data breach to occur, action shall be taken to minimise the harm. Beata Aleksandrowicz will inform any clients where she believes their personal information has been compromised. Where necessary, the Information Commissioner’s Office would be notified.
If a patient contacts Beata Aleksandrowicz to say that they feel that there has been a breach by Beata Aleksandrowicz, she will ask the client to provide an outline of their concerns. If the initial contact is by telephone, Beata Aleksandrowicz will ask the client to follow this up with an email or a letter detailing their concern. The concern will then be investigated fully and a response made to the client. Breach matters will be subject to a full investigation, records will be kept and all those involved notified of the outcome.
Changes to this policy
This policy may change from time to time. If Beata Aleksandrowicz makes any material changes, she will make you aware of them.
If you have any queries about this policy, need it in an alternative format, or have any complaints
about Beata Aleksandrowicz’s privacy practices, please contact her:
Beata Aleksandrowicz
Beata Aleksandrowicz Data Protection and Privacy Policy
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